
Welcome to Sweden

Have you been watching Welcome to Sweden? My husband and I watched the first episode (first 4 to be exact) last night and we loved it. It's our new favorite TV show! Welcome to Sweden is a sitcom about a New York celebrity accountant who quits his job to move to Sweden to live with his girlfriend. The show is romantic and really funny :-) If you haven't seen it yet, I recommend you do.

Welcome to Sweden komu mér skemmtilega á óvart, alveg frábærir þættir!  Þeir fjalla um bandarískan endurkoðanda frá New york sem flytur með sænskri kærustu sinni til Svíþjóðar. Skjáreinn frumsýndi fyrsta þáttinn á þriðjudagskvöldið en mér til mikillar ánægju er öll þáttaröðin á frelsinu svo það verður Welcome to Sweden maraþon hjá mér næstu daga.

Xx, Áróra

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